If any of you have watched Summer Desire 泡沫之夏 recently, you would have heard of this song.
Two weeks ago, a stray cat in my neighborhood gave birth to two kittens, one is in beige and the other one is in black. Then, the mother passed away. Very soon, the beige kitten was adopted as it is very nice. The black kitten was homeless. It is very hungry and does not know how to feed itself. Thus, we decided to feed it. I went to Sunshine to buy my very First milk bottle, not for my child, but for the kitten.

Some kind residents placed the kitten in a pot, covered with clothes. There is also one cruel Indian boy, who bullied the kitten, covered the kitten with sand and treated as if it is his toy.
We would go to feed it when we are free. Few days later, the kitten was not there. I was so sad, as my dear told me, perhaps, the kitten is dead.
One day, while reaching my door, we heard the kitten meowing. Upon searching, we found it near the staircase. My neighbour has adopted the kitten. I was so happy and we continue feeding it. It is very cute, though sometimes noisy. It would roam around in my house, and I would chase it away as I do not want it to getting used coming into the house. When you are leaving your house, it would usually follows you to the lift, and going back to its house after you left.
My dear even suggested that we should give it a name. So, I decided to name it 小黑, as it is black.
Yesterday, my neighbour decided to set it free, thinking that it is big enough to take care of itself. She placed it at downstairs.
I got a shock of my life today, upon knowing that it is dead. How did it die? You must be wondering.
That cruel Indian boy, as mentioned before, threw the kitten from Level 4. And, it died. I'm so sad. How can a young boy did such thing to an animal?
Poor little cat, I miss 小黑...