
Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 in

If any of you have watched Summer Desire 泡沫之夏 recently, you would have heard of this song.

Two weeks ago, a stray cat in my neighborhood gave birth to two kittens, one is in beige and the other one is in black. Then, the mother passed away. Very soon, the beige kitten was adopted as it is very nice. The black kitten was homeless. It is very hungry and does not know how to feed itself. Thus, we decided to feed it. I went to Sunshine to buy my very First milk bottle, not for my child, but for the kitten.

Some kind residents placed the kitten in a pot, covered with clothes. There is also one cruel Indian boy, who bullied the kitten, covered the kitten with sand and treated as if it is his toy.

We would go to feed it when we are free. Few days later, the kitten was not there. I was so sad, as my dear told me, perhaps, the kitten is dead.

One day, while reaching my door, we heard the kitten meowing. Upon searching, we found it near the staircase. My neighbour has adopted the kitten. I was so happy and we continue feeding it. It is very cute, though sometimes noisy. It would roam around in my house, and I would chase it away as I do not want it to getting used coming into the house. When you are leaving your house, it would usually follows you to the lift, and going back to its house after you left.

My dear even suggested that we should give it a name. So, I decided to name it 小黑, as it is black.

Yesterday, my neighbour decided to set it free, thinking that it is big enough to take care of itself. She placed it at downstairs.

I got a shock of my life today, upon knowing that it is dead. How did it die? You must be wondering.

That cruel Indian boy, as mentioned before, threw the kitten from Level 4. And, it died. I'm so sad. How can a young boy did such thing to an animal?

Poor little cat, I miss 小黑...


Something is missing

Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Friday, November 12, 2010 in

I'm back!

Today, went to Ah Ma's house. Ah Ma left us while I was on my vacation to Perth. I could not even make it to pay her my last respect. Frankly, I cannot feel the loss that much as I was not here at the moment she left. Until today, when I went to Ah Ma's house. She's no longer there. Only then, I knew that I started to miss her. She's not there, lying on the couch while watching the television. Neither is she there lying on the bed nor standing at the door bidding farewell to us. It's kind of hard for me to believe that, only after a week, she's gone.

She's the greatest grandma who takes good care of my hubby when he's young, who's the greatest cook that made the best dried Hokkien noodle paste for us during our study in KL. Ah Ma, you will be missed. Though you're only my grandma-in-law, the bond that we have which was developed over the years, will be sealed with me forever.

Life, is very fragile. Since Year 2009, my maternal grandma left, then, early this year, my paternal grandpa-in-law also. Now, it's Ah Ma. The demise of loved ones is really heart-aching.


Leaving Malaysia Soon

Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Thursday, November 04, 2010 in

I will be leaving Malaysia soon, for a vacation in Australia. Will miss my dear badly.

Take care everyone!


Last Part in Bali

Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Thursday, November 04, 2010 in ,

Day 6

We had our breakfast in Kamuela Villa. The breakfast is being served in our lunch.


Later, we went to Kuta Square again. I cannot recall how many times have I been to Kuta Square, but it's just like our second home in Bali.




This is the first sunset that we managed to catch in Kuta Beach, Bali. We missed those in Tanah Lot and Uluwatu as the weather was very bad back then.


We had our dinner at the Bubba Gump & Shrimp Co. We tried their signature dishes, the Giant Onion Rings and stuffed shrimps.





Whenever you flip to this, means you require waiter or waitress assistance.

Day 7

This is the last night in Bali. We had the famous pizza for our dinner. It's very huge though.


Day 8

Leaving Bali at the wee hours




All the "finished goods" produced in Bali



Day 5 in Bali

Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Thursday, November 04, 2010 in ,

This day, we have to bid adieu to the most wonderful and fantastic hotel I have ever stayed in - Melia Bali. Then,we headed to the Museum cum Monument in Bali. Bali is such a wonderful art centre. They made these wonderful pieces of art couple of years back.






Later, we had Babi Guling as our lunch. Oh Gosh, I really do not how to savour this dish. This is the worst lunch I had during my entire holiday in Bali.


It's time for relaxing. We checked the Kamuela Villa after lunch. It's great villa, the services from the staff are very great.


At the lobby


The welcome fruit basket


The entrance


The living room


The kitchen and dining area


Entering the bedroom


The bedroom


The washroom


The pool


The drying area


At night, we had our dinner at the Wong Solo restaurant. We were too hungry and did not manage to catch any shots when the food is being served. I'm proud to present to you the empty plates. Hehe...



After dinner, we had a stroll near Kuta Square and I manage to take a photo with Mr Bubba Gump.




Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 in


Today, I received a very irresponsible call from AMD. I was told that they received advice from their HQ that, the job posting to Beijing has been can canceled. So, there is an extra headcount for the job. I was hired to fill the vacancy for the job initially. In other words, I'm jobless!

They offered me another position, being a fixed assets accountant. I'm not interested in it, doing depreciation calculation, capex and so on. So, I asked them, so, what am I supposed to do as I have already tendered my resignation? They suggested that I should go back and discuss with my management. I'm really speechless.

Spoke to my superior just now. Luckily, she is very understanding. She will talk to the BIG Boss tomorrow.

And thanks to those KPC friends around me. They spreaded the news faster than Bloomberg and CNN. I have been receiving many SMSes and messages asking when I'm going to AMD. Haiz.... Please stop asking me this question. I'm really pissed off....


A Turning Point

Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Thursday, October 07, 2010 in ,

Today, I made a tough decision in my life which requires me a lot of consideration and hesitation. I have just tendered my resignation and will be leaving Moores Rowland soon. My last day of service in Moores Rowland would be 14th October 2010. I gave a very short notice and would need to compensate my current employer on that. Luckily, my new employer is willing to pay me on that. But, there is another side of the coin. I would need to sign an employment bond of 18 months.

Moores Rowland, is a place that gave me a lot memories. Be it laughter, cries, excitement and joy. I have made a few very close friends here. We are so attached to each other, and have been sharing all our ups and downs over the past five years. I gotta miss everyone here, and those who have left. Frankly, Moores Rowland is really a happy working place. Though the workload could be very heavy, but we have very helpful colleagues and friends.

May, you have been a very good senior, supervisor and assistant manager. You are the best mentor throughout my working life here. Thanks, for your guidance, be it work related or personal. You are as if the my "big sister" in the firm over the five years, and you will forever be.

Lay, you came in one week later after I joined MR. We travelled for the first time to KL for an internal audit assignment. We have been chatting non-stop for five hours. Since then, we shared everything in our lives together. Though you are in Singapore more, though we are apart, our hearts will be close to each other.

Soon, can't remember since when we started to call you this name. You and I, are the one who have known each other for the longest period. I think it was like 15 years ago. We used to go to school on the same school bus. It's a miracle that we met each other in Moores Rowland 15 years later. We have shared a lot of memories together from days in CDK to days in MR.

Siew Yee, aka Chicky Wong. She is a music talent who likes chicken very much, especially chicken wings. Every time I see a chicken, it reminds me of you. You and Tze Chin have helped me a lot for my wedding slide show. You guys have done a great job and I really appreciate that. Congratulations for being promoted as senior. I'm sure you will be a good senior.

Hui Yin, we are getting closer to each other after you were transferred from tax department. Since then, we have been chatting non-stop with Lay and Soon on the way to and from office. Our car is always filled with laughter and giggles. Looking forward to be colleague with you soon ya. Good luck ya!

Tze Chin, you are the pioneer. You are the one who left us the earliest. Though we have been apart for so many years, but our friendship remains. There are still plenty of topics for us to chat non-stop whenever we meet up.

Ee Ping, you are the only guy who have been very close with us over the years. Perhaps, it is due to we are being promoted during the same time, and thus we tend to share many things together.

Truly, I gotta miss you guys madly!


Wonderful Day 4

Posted by Carol's Rhythm 凯若旋 on Tuesday, October 05, 2010 in ,

We went to Tanjong Benua on the fourth day. This is a place for various kinds of water sports. You can see people diving, snorkeling, having a ride on a banana boat, ski boat and flying fishes. They are fun but dangerous as well. We saw one tourist sprained his elbow when the flying fish he was flying with turned upside-down. Luckily he is on life jacket.

Welcome to Turtle Island

We were transferred to turtle island by a glass bottom boat, where you are able to see everything underneath the boat. Guess what we saw? Seaweeds, seaweeds and more seaweeds, with very little of fishes.

Could not capture anything from the glass bottom boat

Say "Hello" to this turtle

The oldest turtle - 60 years old

The bird is trying to attack the flower on my head

I can't really smile because of the bat


A coconut that costs 20,000, in IDR~~

We had our lunch at the Ulam Restaurant. We were served with a fried fish, honey marinated chicken and some ulam.

A unique lock in the toilet

After lunch, we checked in Melia Bali Villa & Spa Resort Hotel. It's like a heaven on earth! We booked for a garden view room initially. But, we were too fortunate to be given a lagoon access room without incurring any additional charges. We paid USD 143 for a USD 265 worth of room.

Room rates for Melia Bali


At the lobby

It's very nice, I swear you will fall in love with it.



Sand drawing. It is being drawn daily!!



Before entering the room


Our room
A peep into the room:


See-through glass in the bathroom. My dear can bath while watching television at the same time



Lagoon access from door step

A scroll away to Nusa Dua Beach




The candle used to lit up the walkway at night

In the evening, we went to Uluwatu. Too bad the Sun was very lazy and sleepy. So, we did not manage to catch the glimpse of sunset.




"Cak...Cak...Cak..." Whenever I hear this, it reminds me of the Kecak Dance that we watched in Uluwatu. It's much more nicer than the Barong and Keris Dance. We spent the whole night watching the dance as we watched from the sky is bright till it turns dark.





At night, we had dinner at the famous Jimbaran Bay. The food is very nice. We had a very romantic dinner as it rains halfway while we were having our dinner. We had a great experience having our dinner at Jimbaran Bay where our fish is being stolen while we were busy shifting the food into the shop when it rains.






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